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Hantsoo, L. (2020). “Can you take SSRIs while pregnant or trying to conceive?” International Association For Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD) FAQs.

Hantsoo, L. (2020). “Are SSRIs actually a ‘hormonal’ treatment?” International Association For Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD) FAQs.

Hantsoo, L. (2020). “Is PMDD the same as luteal phase progesterone deficit?” International Association For Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD) FAQs.

Hantsoo, L. (2019). “Does birth control help with PMS and PMDD, or make it worse?”

Hantsoo, L. (2019). “What is the impact of hormonal IUDs on PMDD symptoms?” International Association For Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD) FAQs.

Hantsoo, L. (2019). “My SSRI is helping, but not enough. What should I do?” International Association For Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD) FAQs.

Hantsoo, L. (2019). “Does stress early in life leave an imprint in our guts? The gut microbiome and mental health.” Inspire The Mind Blog, of the Stress, Psychiatry and Immunology Laboratory at King’s College London.

Hantsoo, L. (2019). “Telehealth for PMDD: Tips from a PMDD Provider.” International Association For Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD) Blog.